Various Types of Treatments for Acne


There are various types of treatments for acne but not all of these treatments are suitable for everybody. The treatments are meant for different types of acne and for different types of people. Some of the treatments are more suitable for men, while others are more suitable for women. There are also other therapeutic options that are more suitable for teenagers than for adults. 

Not knowing which of the options is best for a person may lead to more trouble as it may not produce the desired results after such options have been used. In most situations what is usually referred to as failed treatment, may not necessarily be it. It may just be a misapplication of a treatment option. This will certainly not produce the best results. The review of these types of treatments should lead to better therapeutic results for people using such methods.

OTC Treatment-: Treatment of acne with over the counter medicines is usually most suitable for mild acne. This is usually the first stages of acne and it can be taken at home easily with the use of OTC preparations. These are simple, easy to use medicines that do not need supervision or guidance to take. 

A treatment procedure or regimen using these OTC preparations is likely to fail if it is used for more advanced or severe stages of acne. Some of these OTC preparations include-: preparations that contain Salicylic acid, sulphur and Benzoyl Peroxide as an active agents. It is commonly found in cleansing creams and lotions. It helps to unclog pores that are blocked or clogged.

Prescription Treatment-: this is used of moderate acne. When acne progresses from mild to moderate, this type of treatment of acne becomes the therapy of choice. Acne is considered to be moderate when it has more breakouts; more skin is being affected with increased inflammation. This kind of treatment maybe too harsh for mild acne, and ineffective for severe acne. 

It involves the use of prescription based topical creams and sometimes combination therapy is used. Combination therapy involves the use of two different types of treatment agents. The commonly used agents for treatment of mild acne include -: Azelaic acid and topical anti-bacterial preparations. These preparations help in killing bacteria populations on the body and skin likely to cause acne. This reduces significantly the likelihood of acne resulting.

Oral Medications-: this is usually used in cases of severe acne. This is when the disorder is wide spread and has affected other parts of the body besides the face. Parts of the body that are usually commonly affected in this situation include-: the neck, chest, back, arms, and sometimes even the private parts. A combination of treatment options is often used in the treatment of this type of acne. 

Some of the oral medications that are commonly prescribed and used in this treatment option include oral antibiotics and oral contraceptives. Topical agents and over the counter preparations are often used together in combination treatments for acne read more here.

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